Bridgette Beck-Kells

Bridgette Beck-Kells
  • Jayhawk Academic Advisor

Contact Info

2045 Haworth Hall
1200 Sunnyside Ave
Lawrence, KS 66045


Bridgette Beck-Kells (she/her) is an academic advisor at the University of Kansas. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Communication Studies, Undergraduate Certificate in Nonviolence Studies, and a Master of Science in Academic Advising all from Kansas State University and is currently working on her doctorate in Educational Leadership and Policy Study at KU. Bridgette returned to school at 27 to finish her bachelor’s degree, after having an unsuccessful first attempt at college right out of high school. As a nontraditional student Bridgette gained a new perspective on the challenges that students face when pursuing higher education. From her own experiences she developed a strong passion for helping others, specifically those from underrepresented student populations, achieve their academic and personal goals.

Professionally, Bridgette has worn many hats on her path to academic advising. She has worked as a restaurant manager, veterinary technician, and store manager for her family’s small business. While pursuing her M.S. Bridgette worked as a Student Admissions Representative for K-State Online, working primarily with undergrads interested in Nutrition and Dietetics. After completing her graduate program, she made the switch from K-State to KU and has since realized blue looks far better on her than purple ever did!

Beyond academics, Bridgette enjoys living in Lawrence with her spouse and two young children. She has a fierce love for animals, including her 3 pugs Swayzee, Elton, and Gertrude and a bearded dragon named Smaug who primarily resides in her office in the biology building on campus. Bridgette also volunteers as a foster for the Lawerence Human Society and Midwest Pug Rescue (which is where she foster-failed Gertrude from). As evident from her office decor, Bridgette LOVES Star Wars, hippos, and all things Halloween! When not devoting time to her family you can find Bridgette around Lawrence playing weekly trivia, attending a concert, or watching her beloved Royals.


B.A. in Communication Studies, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS
Certificate of Nonviolence Studies, Kansas State Univesity, Manhattan, KS
M.S. in Academic Advising, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS


Mental Health First Aid Program

  • Certified, 2022-2025


KU Advising Network (KUAN)

  • Executive Board, 2021- Present


  • Member 2020- Present
  • Region 7 Annual Conference Committee- 2022
    • Volunteer Co-Chair

Staff Senate DEI Committee

  • January 2022- Present

Undergraduate Biology DEIB Committee

  • 2022-Present

Phi Kappa Phi

  • Member, 2021-Present